Sunday, December 4, 2011


Prolife is one of the active ministries of the Jesus Youth movement. Jesus Youth Prolifers follow the teaching of the Catholic Church to defend the Gift of life from the very moment of conception until natural death. The mission of the JY National Prolife ministry is to create an effective opposition to the culture of death and to promote the sanctity of life and family in India through prayer, service and education.
- Defend the life, faith and family around
- Defend the rights of the unborn, weak and elderly
- Fight against the anti-life forces that work in our society
- Promote the Gospel of Life

Prolife Ministry
Jesus Youth National Office
6F, Thadikaran Centre
Palarivattom, Cochin- 682 025
Kerala, India

JY Prolife Help Line No: 081 29 80 90 90

Prolife For Life

Who are we

JY ProLife Ministry is one among the various active ministries of Jesus Youth Movement. JY Prolifers follow the teachings of the Catholic church to defend and safeguard the gift of life from the moment of conception till its natural death. Mission of JY prolife ministry is to create an effective opposition to the culture of death and to promote the sanctity and dignity of human life in the society through prayer, service and education.

What we do
We spread the Gospel of life through the following activities:
  • Conducting outreach programs to various parts of the country
  • Organizing ProLife resource training programs/awareness program's/seminars
  • Rescue mission, exhibitions, mission trips, supporting local groups....
  • Distributing ProLife materials, posters, prayer cards, newsletter, etc.
How Can YOU be part of this noble endeavour?

Of course, you have many options to support us in this noble cause. Please see which of the following options makes it practical for you..

• Join us through your sincere & valuable prayers
• Join us in organizing outreach programs, seminars, exhibitions, etc. in different parts of the country.
• Support the ministry with finance through your tithing and contributions on monthly/annual basis.

Jesus Youth
Jesus Youth is an international Catholic youth movement approved by CBCI that had its beginnings in Kerala, India, and currently has an active presence in over twenty six countries around the world. 
The strength of the movement is its special focus on a life centered on the Lord Jesus Christ: beginning with an experience of God nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the Sacraments and fellowship, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others, especially the poor. 
To know more about the movement, visit:  

History Of Prolife

The Beginning

The Prolife team consists of about 15 working people who gather together regularly for the cause of Prolife. One among them is a nurse. Towards the end of 2007, she got a job in a small hospital in the centre of Bangalore City. It was only weeks later, to her shock, that she discovered that there are frequent abortions happening at this placec, as many as 300 a month. She refused to work there any more and resigned her job. She shared this when she came in for the prolife team meeting. Everyone in the team were deeply concerned. We knew this was a frequent happening, but hearing this first hand account had an impact on all of us. We were not sure of what to do. In prayer it was decided that we would visit the hospital. None of us at that time had the slightest inkling of what it is going to turn out to be.

February 17, 2008, Saturday, the Prolife team gathered together in a chapel in a seminary nearby infront of the Blessed Sacrament. We prayed for an hour. Then two teams of two people each got ready to go to the Hospital. The rest of the people remained in front of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The team went and met a couple of patients, some other staff nurses and finally the doctor.

The Doctor's conversion

Introducing ourselves as prolifers, we spoke to the doctor in a general way about abortion. The results were miraculous. The doctor stopped abortion on that day. The next week we had a followup outreach to the same place and the staff said that no abortion happened there in the last week. The doctor now counsels anyone coming to her for abortion and if they are not willing to relent, she would refer them else where. We can confidently say that she is a prolifer doctor today and a big support for us. We have three children whose life we have been able to influence.

Pro-Life Jesus Youth Ministry

Jesus Youth pro-life ministry (PROLIFE means FOR LIFE) 
trains many young people to take a stand against the culture of death and to challenge others to take a stand for the same. There is also an effective infrastructure for conducting pro-life exhibitions.
Why are some advocating abortion, saying all things about population explosion! Whats the truth in these? See all the pics given below to get a clear cut idea on the matter and then you decide whether abortion is necessary or not.

Just hear what Mel Gibson has to say on this matter – “God is the only One who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can’t decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn’t. That decision doesn’t belong to us.”
Proclaim and stand against abortion and contraception.
Witness in your family, parish, prayer groups, where ever you are; ‘stand for life’ through seminars, exhibitions and palmlets.

Standing For Life

It is so unfortunate that many parents do not realize this truth and there are thousands of little lives that are being destroyed even at this very moment. Please look through this website if you would like to know the truth behind these.

Life is most Important ..!!

The baby - however small is a human being!! If you don't believe it, please see this video. From the very moment of conception life begins. Science has not been able to prove it otherwise. This little one who is fully dependent on its mother deserves every care and love that would be given to a just- born child. If you have a two month old child, we wouldn't have even the farthest thoughts of taking its life, under any circumstances. The only difference between this child and a child in the womb is one of age. The one in the womb too have the same life

It is so unfortunate that many parents do not realize this truth and there are thousands of little lives that are being destroyed even at this very moment. Please look through this blog if you would like to know the truth behind these

Let Me Live!

Isn't it so crual to murder these little angels ?

Miseries Of The Unborn

Hard truth



God is the only One who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can’t decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn’t. That decision doesn’t belong to us.”

Proclaim and stand against abortion and contraception.
Witness in your family, parish, prayer groups, where ever you are; ‘stand for life’ through seminars, exhibitions and palmlets.

STAND FOR LIFE                                           

Stand Stable For Life

Each And Every Life Is A Gift From God

Un Born Baby's Cry

I had a dream the other night
   So unusual, so profound, so troubling
    That I woke up trembling, in tears.
    In my dream I heard a child's voice
    Speaking to me almost in a whisper
But full of primal joy at being newly alive
I felt deeply the child's reverence and awe
  At the discovery of it's own existence
      And I shared in the excitement.
Then I heard another voice - and another -
  And soon there seemed to be thousands,
millions of children, all in various stages
of development, all grateful for life - and
  all singing the same urgent chorus, the
 same fervent plea - for, though each and
  every one of those children was already
  experiencing LIFE, not one had yet been
                 1st CHILD
             I'm one month old
              I'm very small
        I feel me growing every day
          In this warm dark place
    My heart is the biggest part of me
             And it's beating!
          I'm so glad to be alive
                  So glad
                To be alive
                Let me live
       Let me walk into the sunshine
                Let me live
      Feel my mother's arms around me
     Feel my father's love surround me
        Be a part of God's creation
                Let me live
                 2nd CHILD
                 And toes
               My own mouth
                My own lips
       And I'm two months old today
         My heart is beating fast
         And I feel another heart
              Big and strong
      Somewhere, everywhere around me
             Is it my mother?
                 3rd CHILD
           I'm three months old
           And my arms and legs
              Have real bones
                I'm growing
             And kicking too!
             Can you feel it?
            I can turn my head
  I can squint and frown and make a fist
          See I can curl my toes
 And I think my mother knows I'm here now
                I'm alive!
                I'm alive!
              I woke up then,
    I knew I was hearing something real
     Thousands of unborn children were
  Singing to me from their mothers wombs
  They're not just mindless bits of flesh
   They're HUMAN BEINGS; already in touch
  With their Mothers, with God, with LIFE
          They deserve to LIVE!!
                Let me live
       Let me walk into the sunshine
                Let me live
      Feel my mother's arms around me
     Feel my father's love surround me
        Be a part of God's creation
               Let me live.